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Meet Me

Home Sweet Home

I was born and raised in Fort Benton, Montana, and have boasted that fact since I could talk.  A small family farming community famous for being the Birthplace of Montana. Lewis and Clark with Sacagawea came through this area. It was the last stop available for the steamboats coming west. A dog named Shep is still honored here. I am very proud of being born in Chouteau County.

When my great-grandparents came here to homestead, they knew their hard work would be the backbone for  their children and grandchildren, for generations to come. I remember as a kid learning to cook along side my Great Grandma Rust, my Grandma Pearl and my mom, Carol, who, to the surprise of no one, became a cook at the school. Back in the day, my family thrived on homegrown vegetables, hand fed cows, eggs from our own chickens, and pigs, which gave us, well, bacon.  I don't remember thinking about how to store the food, we always had a refrigerator and freezer. My family would also can the food, killing anything that was alive in there, so as to not pass on the sickness, or spoil. I know my Great Gramma had no idea the convenience of modern technology, refrigeration and the ability to put food into cans for long periods of time, we would be creating a way of eating which deprives us of the living organisms our bodies need to live, and thrive. So begins my journey. Bringing back the life to our food.

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